Page 55 - Flipbook 2020
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Get Moving           Elevate Your Expectations

               A Guide To a Smooth Process From Contract To Close

               HIRE A BUYER’S AGENT                            Have the Property Appraised                    IT’S NEVER TOO
               A buyer’s agent is a valuable ally in the       In order to secure a contract, lenders want    EARLY TO START!
               search for your new home as they work           to know that the home you’re considering
               to narrow the search for properties that        has been appraised at either the sale          Regardless of your time
               suit your criteria. Throughout the entire       price or higher. During this process, the      frame to buy, our team is
               process they provide oversight and follow       home is generally inspected by a licensed      here to help.
               up for any necessary inspections in the         property inspector who will note any major
               home while protecting your interests.           defects in the home. These details will be     If you aren’t sure where to
               It’s the responsibility of the buyer’s agent to:  shared with your lending institution and,    begin, the inside sales team
                  •  Represent the buyer’s interests and       based on the assessment, you may be            at CRG can help identify
                      not disclose sensitive information       able to negotiate a lower purchase price       your goals for relocation
                      without permission                       to cover costly repairs - another key area     including amenities, home
                  •  Negotiate for the buyer as part of a      where your buyer’s agent will be helpful!      details and characteristics
                      fiduciary relationship                                                                  of each community. This
                  •  Offer insights on the area as                                                            discovery process will
                      neighborhood specialists                 Avoid Closing Concurrently                     include:
               Many of those relocating to the Grand           Closing simultaneously on a home in
               Strand from another state will find a           another state while selling your existing         • Preparing custom online
               buyer’s agent through a referral or             home can be next to impossible. The                  home searches that
               online resource. If it’s necessary to have      majority of banks will want the HUD from             fit your criteria with new
               the agent find a home when still living         the sale of a buyer’s current home before            inventory alerts
               outside of the area, the agent may be           providing funding for a home in another           • Acting as a resource for
               required to have more individual control        state. In general, the process will start off
               over the process, therefore, finding a real     with the close of a buyer’s existing home,           taxes, flood zones, and
               estate agent who is a good fit is essential!    followed by having the HUD sent over                 HOA guidelines
                                                               after funds are wired, then the lender            • Providing details on
                                                               funds are available and the buyer can                custom home design
                                                               close on a new home.                                 and construction as well
               Get Pre-Approved                                                                                     as assisting with lot
               It is important to get pre-approved to                                                               selection to match your
               determine eligibility and any potential                                                              plans
               hurdles, such as reducing debt or putting       Get Those Utilities Turned On
               off other large purchases that can impact       Before moving into your new home, reach           • Handling the sale and
               your credit score. This pre-approval from       out to local utility companies and set up            marketing of your
 We Create   NEED TO SELL   a local lender will also help speed the   a ‘start date’ for all of the services your         current home (local
                                                                                                                    clients only)
               lending process once you are ready to
                                                               home will require. Your buyer’s agent will
    Excellent Experiences  YOUR HOME?  sign a purchase contract. It also shows the   be helpful in identifying which companies      • Providing
                                                               service your area.
               seller you are a qualified, serious buyer.
 Many companies claim a higher level of customer service, but   As industry market leaders, we have the             for legal, mortgage,
 few make a real investment in client care. We’ve built a team   experience and proven success in listing,          and insurance providers
 exclusively focused on customer satisfaction. Our Client Care   pricing, staging, negotiating, and closing   We are dedicated to building relationships and treating every
 Team will be your first point of contact at CRG. Together they   the deal quickly and for the highest   new client like a neighbor...because we hope you will be.
 will work with you to identify your needs and pair you with a   possible price. Our in-house marketing
 Realtor whose expertise is centered around your goals.  team is skilled at blending new and
 Whether you’re looking to relocate from out of state or across   traditional marketing tactics to deliver
 town, we ensure an experience tailored to your unique needs.  qualified leads to your doorstep and
 determining a strategic marketing plan
 to maximize exposure for your listing.

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